Davide Oneglia

Director, European & Global Macro

Davide joined the TS Lombard Macro team in January 2017. Davide contributes to the coverage of global macro themes and since February 2022, he is the lead analyst on the Euro Area and ECB. Davide's research interests include central bank liquidity, inflation, labour markets and global supply chains.

Prior to this, Davide spent a year and a half working for the Securities and Finance practice of NERA Economic Consulting in London, where he focussed on asset pricing. Davide graduated in Economics from Bocconi University in 2013, holds an M.Sc. in Economics and Management from London School of Economics.

Davide Oneglia contributes to the Europe Watch and Global Financial Trends publications.

Europe Watch: Updates of our key European economic, political and policy and market views. (One note per week)
Global Financial Trends: Analysis and forecast of global financing conditions and the credit cycle with early warning of vulnerabilities in the financial system and potential triggers. (10 issues a year)

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